
183 lines
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/// \author Lukas Barth, John Farrier
/// \copyright Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. 2019 John Farrier
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
#include <celero/Statistics.h>
#include <celero/UserDefinedMeasurement.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
namespace celero
/// \class UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate
/// Base class that the user must derive user-defined measurements from.
/// \author Lukas Barth, John Farrier
template <typename T>
class UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate : public UserDefinedMeasurement
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate requres an arithmetic type.");
/// Default constructor
UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate() = default;
/// Default destructor
virtual ~UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate() = default;
/// \brief Must be implemented by the user. Must return a specification which aggregations the user wants to be computed.
virtual UDMAggregationTable getAggregationInfo() const override
UDMAggregationTable table;
if(this->reportSize() == true)
table.push_back({"# Samp", [this]() { return static_cast<double>(this->getStatistics().getSize()); }});
if(this->reportMean() == true)
table.push_back({"Mean", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getMean(); }});
if(this->reportVariance() == true)
table.push_back({"Var", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getVariance(); }});
if(this->reportStandardDeviation() == true)
table.push_back({"StdDev", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getStandardDeviation(); }});
if(this->reportSkewness() == true)
table.push_back({"Skew", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getSkewness(); }});
if(this->reportKurtosis() == true)
table.push_back({"Kurtosis", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getKurtosis(); }});
if(this->reportZScore() == true)
table.push_back({"ZScore", [this]() { return this->getStatistics().getZScore(); }});
if(this->reportMin() == true)
table.push_back({"Min", [this]() { return static_cast<double>(this->getStatistics().getMin()); }});
if(this->reportMax() == true)
table.push_back({"Max", [this]() { return static_cast<double>(this->getStatistics().getMax()); }});
return table;
/// \brief You must call this method from your fixture to add a measurement
void addValue(T x)
/// Preserve measurements within a group/experiment/problem space set.
virtual void merge(const UserDefinedMeasurement* const x) override
const auto toMerge = dynamic_cast<const UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate<T>* const>(x);
this->stats += toMerge->stats;
virtual bool reportSize() const
return true;
virtual bool reportMean() const
return true;
virtual bool reportVariance() const
return true;
virtual bool reportStandardDeviation() const
return true;
virtual bool reportSkewness() const
return true;
virtual bool reportKurtosis() const
return true;
virtual bool reportZScore() const
return true;
virtual bool reportMin() const
return true;
virtual bool reportMax() const
return true;
const Statistics<T>& getStatistics() const
return this->stats;
/// Continuously gathers statistics without having to retain data history.
Statistics<T> stats;
} // namespace celero