
217 lines
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/// \author John Farrier
/// \copyright Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. 2019 John Farrier
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
#include <celero/Export.h>
#include <celero/Timer.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// This must be included last.
#include <celero/ThreadLocal.h>
namespace celero
class Benchmark;
class UserDefinedMeasurement;
/// \class TestFixture
/// \author John Farrier
class CELERO_EXPORT TestFixture
/// Default Constructor.
/// Virtual destructor for inheritance.
virtual ~TestFixture();
enum class Constants : int64_t
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if(_MSC_VER < 1900)
NoProblemSpaceValue = -9223372036854775807
NoProblemSpaceValue = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()
NoProblemSpaceValue = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()
/// \class ExperimentValue
/// You can derive from this type to add your own information to the experiment value set.
class ExperimentValue
ExperimentValue() = default;
ExperimentValue(int64_t v) : Value(v){};
ExperimentValue(int64_t v, int64_t i) : Value(v), Iterations(i){};
virtual ~ExperimentValue() = default;
/// An arbitrary integer value which can be used or translated for use by the test fixture.
int64_t Value{0};
/// The number of iterations to do with this test value. 0 (default) indicates that the default number of iterations set up for the test
/// case should be used.
int64_t Iterations{0};
/// Allows a test fixture to supply values to use for experiments.
/// This is used to create multiple runs of the same experiment
/// and varrying the data set size, for example. The second value
/// of the pair is an optional override for the number of iterations
/// to be used. If zero is specified, then the default number of
/// iterations is used.
/// It is only guaranteed that the constructor is called prior to this function being called.
virtual std::vector<celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue> getExperimentValues() const
return std::vector<celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue>();
/// Provide a units result scale of each experiment value.
/// If the value is greater than 0 then additional statistic value will be printed
/// in output - [ xxxx units/sec ]. For example for measure speed of
/// file IO operations method might return 1024 * 1024 to get megabytes
/// per second.
/// It is only guaranteed that the constructor is called prior to this function being called.
virtual double getExperimentValueResultScale() const
return 1.0;
/// Allows the text fixture to run code that will be executed once immediately before the benchmark.
/// Unlike setUp, the evaluation of this function IS included in the total experiment execution
/// time.
/// \param x The value for the experiment. This can be ignored if the test does not utilize experiment values.
virtual void onExperimentStart(const celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue& x);
/// Allows the text fixture to run code that will be executed once immediately after the benchmark.
/// Unlike tearDown, the evaluation of this function IS included in the total experiment execution
/// time.
virtual void onExperimentEnd();
/// Set up the test fixture before benchmark execution.
/// This code is NOT included in the benchmark timing.
/// It is executed once before all iterations are executed and between each Sample.
/// Your experiment should NOT rely on "setUp" methods to be called before EACH experiment run, only between each sample.
/// \param x The celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue for the experiment. This can be ignored if the test does not utilize experiment values.
virtual void setUp(const celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue& x);
/// Internal to Celero
void setExperimentTime(uint64_t x);
/// Valid inside tearDown().
uint64_t getExperimentTime() const;
/// Internal to Celero
void setExperimentIterations(uint64_t x);
/// Valid inside tearDown().
uint64_t getExperimentIterations() const;
/// Called after test completion to destroy the fixture.
/// This code is NOT included in the benchmark timing.
/// It is executed once after all iterations are executed and between each Sample.
/// Your experiment should NOT rely on "tearDown" methods to be called after EACH experiment run, only between each sample.
virtual void tearDown();
/// \param threads The number of working threads.
/// \param iterations The number of times to loop over the UserBenchmark function.
/// \param experimentValue The experiment value to pass in setUp function.
/// \return Returns the number of microseconds the run took.
virtual uint64_t run(uint64_t threads, uint64_t iterations, const celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue& experimentValue);
/// \brief If you want to use user-defined measurements, override this method to return them
/// This method must return a vector of pointers, one per type of user-defined measurement that you want to measure.
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UserDefinedMeasurement>> getUserDefinedMeasurements() const;
/// \brief Returns the names of all user-defined measurements in this fixture.
std::vector<std::string> getUserDefinedMeasurementNames() const;
/// Executed for each operation the benchmarking test is run.
virtual void UserBenchmark();
/// Only used for baseline cases. Used to define a hard-coded execution time vs. actually making a measurement.
virtual uint64_t HardCodedMeasurement() const;
uint64_t experimentIterations{0};
uint64_t experimentTime{0};
} // namespace celero