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2021-05-10 16:14:13 +00:00
/// \namespace celero
/// \author John Farrier
/// \copyright Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. 2019 John Farrier
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
/// Special thanks to the bands "3" and "Coheed and Cambria" for providing the development soundtrack.
/// "Iterations" refers to how many loops of the test function are measured as a time.
/// For very fast code, many iterations would help amoratize measurement error.
/// "Samples" refers to how many sets of "Iterations" will be performed. Each "sample" is
/// a single measurement.
/// It is highly encouraged to only run this code compiled in a "Release" mode to use all available optimizations.
#ifdef WIN32
#include <process.h>
#include <celero/Benchmark.h>
#include <celero/GenericFactory.h>
#include <celero/TestFixture.h>
#include <celero/ThreadTestFixture.h>
#include <celero/UserDefinedMeasurementCollector.h>
#include <celero/UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate.h>
#include <celero/Utilities.h>
namespace celero
/// \brief Adds a new test to the list of tests to be executed.
/// All tests must be registered prior to calling celer::Run().
/// \param groupName The name of the Test Group. Used for retrieving the associated baseline.
/// \param benchmarkName A unique name for a specific test within a Test Group.
/// \param samples The total number of times to execute the Test. (Each test contains iterations.)
/// \param iterations The total number of iterations per Test.
/// \param threads The total number of threads per Test sample.
/// \param experimentFactory The factory implementation for the test.
/// \returns a pointer to a Benchmark instance representing the given test.
CELERO_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<celero::Benchmark> RegisterTest(const char* groupName, const char* benchmarkName, const uint64_t samples,
const uint64_t iterations, const uint64_t threads,
std::shared_ptr<celero::Factory> experimentFactory, const double target = -1);
/// \brief Adds a new test baseline to the list of test baseliness to be executed.
/// All test baselines must be registered prior to calling celer::Run().
/// \param groupName The name of the Test Group that the baseline is associated with.
/// \param benchmarkName A unique name for a specific test baseline within a Test Group.
/// \param samples The total number of times to execute the Test baseline. (Each sample contains one or more iterations.)
/// \param iterations The total number of iterations per Test baseline sample.
/// \param threads The total number of threads per Test baseline.
/// \param experimentFactory The factory implementation for the test baseline.
/// \returns a pointer to a Benchmark instance representing the given test.
CELERO_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<Benchmark> RegisterBaseline(const char* groupName, const char* benchmarkName, const uint64_t samples,
const uint64_t iterations, const uint64_t threads,
std::shared_ptr<Factory> experimentFactory);
/// \brief Builds a distribution of total system measurement error.
/// The result vector contains microseconds for each trivial timer sample.
/// The purpose is to be able to characterize the generic distribution of results
/// on a given system.
/// This is just an attempt to characterize the distribution, not quantify it.
CELERO_EXPORT std::vector<uint64_t> BuildDistribution(uint64_t numberOfSamples, uint64_t iterationsPerSample);
/// \brief The main test executor.
CELERO_EXPORT void Run(int argc, char** argv);
} // namespace celero
/// \define CELERO_MAIN
/// \brief A macro to build the most basic main() required to run the benchmark tests.
#define CELERO_MAIN \
int main(int argc, char** argv) \
{ \
celero::Run(argc, argv); \
return 0; \
/// \brief A macro to build a class name based on the test groupo and benchmark names.
#define BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName) CeleroUserBenchmark##_##groupName##_##benchmarkName
/// \define BENCHMARK_IMPL
/// A macro to create a class of a unique name which can be used to register and execute a benchmark test.
#define BENCHMARK_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads) \
class BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName) : public fixtureName \
{ \
public: \
BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)() : fixtureName() \
{ \
} \
protected: \
virtual void UserBenchmark() override; \
private: \
static const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> info; \
}; \
const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)::info = \
::celero::RegisterTest(#groupName, #benchmarkName, samples, iterations, threads, \
std::make_shared<::celero::GenericFactory<BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)>>()); \
void BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)::UserBenchmark()
/// A macro to create a class of a unique name which can be used to register and execute a benchmark test.
#define BENCHMARK_TEST_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, target) \
class BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName) : public fixtureName \
{ \
public: \
BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)() : fixtureName() \
{ \
} \
protected: \
virtual void UserBenchmark() override; \
private: \
static const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> info; \
}; \
const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)::info = \
::celero::RegisterTest(#groupName, #benchmarkName, samples, iterations, threads, \
std::make_shared<::celero::GenericFactory<BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)>>(), target); \
void BENCHMARK_CLASS_NAME(groupName, benchmarkName)::UserBenchmark()
/// \define BENCHMARK_F
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a test fixture.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK_F(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations) \
BENCHMARK_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, 1)
/// \define BENCHMARK_T
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a threaded test fixture.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK_T(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads) \
BENCHMARK_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads)
/// \define BENCHMARK_TEST_F
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a test fixture.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK_TEST_F(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, target) \
BENCHMARK_TEST_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, 1, target)
/// \define BENCHMARK_TEST_T
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a threaded test fixture.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK_TEST_T(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, target) \
BENCHMARK_TEST_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, target)
/// \define BENCHMARK
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK(groupName, benchmarkName, samples, iterations) \
BENCHMARK_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, ::celero::TestFixture, samples, iterations, 1)
/// \define BENCHMARK
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark.
/// Using the BENCHMARK_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BENCHMARK_TEST(groupName, benchmarkName, samples, iterations, target) \
BENCHMARK_TEST_IMPL(groupName, benchmarkName, ::celero::TestFixture, samples, iterations, 1, target)
/// \brief A macro to build a class name based on the test group and baseline names.
#define BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName) CeleroUserBaseline##_##groupName##_##baselineName
/// \define BASELINE_IMPL
/// A macro to create a class of a unique name which can be used to register and execute a baseline benchmark test.
#define BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, useconds) \
class BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName) : public fixtureName \
{ \
public: \
BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName)() : fixtureName() \
{ \
} \
protected: \
virtual void UserBenchmark() override; \
virtual uint64_t HardCodedMeasurement() const override \
{ \
return uint64_t(useconds); \
} \
private: \
static const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> info; \
}; \
const std::shared_ptr<::celero::Benchmark> BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName)::info = \
::celero::RegisterBaseline(#groupName, #baselineName, samples, iterations, threads, \
std::make_shared<::celero::GenericFactory<BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName)>>()); \
void BASELINE_CLASS_NAME(groupName, baselineName)::UserBenchmark()
/// \define BASELINE_F
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a test fixture.
/// Using the BASELINE_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BASELINE_F(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, 1, 0)
/// \define BASELINE_T
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark containing a threaded test fixture.
/// Using the BASELINE_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BASELINE_T(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, 0)
/// \define BASELINE
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark.
/// Using the BASELINE_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BASELINE(groupName, baselineName, samples, iterations) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, ::celero::TestFixture, samples, iterations, 1, 0)
/// \define BASELINE_FIXED
/// \brief A macro to place in user code to define a UserBenchmark function for a benchmark with a hard-coded timing.
/// This will NOT perform any timing measurments but will instead use the number of microseconds passed in as the measured time.
/// Using the BASELINE_ macro, this effectivly fills in a class's UserBenchmark() function.
#define BASELINE_FIXED(groupName, baselineName, samples, iterations, useconds) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, ::celero::TestFixture, samples, iterations, 1, useconds)
#define BASELINE_FIXED_F(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, useconds) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, 1, useconds)
#define BASELINE_FIXED_T(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, useconds) \
BASELINE_IMPL(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, useconds)